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We are Sigma Integral Consulting,
based in Dubai, UAE

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Who We Are

We offer potential customers technical support services for servers.

It includes comprehensive work to maintain the server hardware in a functional state, diagnostics of its operability, installation of additional software, repair and maintenance.

One of the main services is the setup of equipment (server and telecommunication). Specialists, if necessary, help costumers prepare and coordinate the terms of reference for these works. They are carried out by employees with qualifications in the field of network management and administration.

We perform tasks such as:

OS setup

Initial installation and configuration of the operating system

Software setup

Initial installation and configuration of application software

MS servers setup

Installing Microsoft software on server hardware

ATC servers setup

Installing products from different manufactures o the ATC server

Network setup

Configuring various types of active network equipment

Our Expertise

Regular technical support of servers is carried out under a long-term contract. It provides for tariffication of the services provided, fixed monthly or hourly payment for them.

These works can be performed one- time, when initial configuration of the equipment is required, or regularly, if constant updating is required, addition of server software, reconfiguration of the software according to the customers request, support for remote administration of server equipment operating in the clients office.

IT recruitment

Consulting services for the search and attraction of narrow-profile programmers to IT projects on the terms of outsourcing.

Enterprise management

Consulting services for the development and integration of structured systems for automated management of enterprises and personal workplaces of workers.

IT systems integration

Consulting services for the development and integration of IT systems to optimize the business and labor costs of enterprise personnel.

Data & clouds

Consulting services for the development of cloud storage and data processing systems, as well as the administration of these systems.

AI solutions

Consulting services for the development and implementation of intelligent robotic IT business management systems built on the basis of Artificial Intelligence, etc.

Get In Touch

Have an idea or an epic project in mind? Talk to us. Let us work together and make something great. Shoot us a message.